Warranty Claim T & C
The warranty of shopping trolley bag and Luggage
- Defect* in main frame which is made up of either iron or aluminium Warranty doesn't cover any damage due to mishandling or accidental situation or carry more then recommended weight.
- Warranty doesn’t cover any item which is made up of plastic, rubber, eva also not cover polish or any coating on frame or any type of fabric item attached or fitted herewith Warranty also doesn’t cover any consumable part which has a certain life which depends on uses or has recurring in nature or needs change after a certain time of uses such as wheels, bags etc.
- The frame under warranty will be repaired if possible otherwise be replaced.
- *MANUFACTURING DEFECTS It covers any defect in main frame due to which normal application of cart is not possible or accessories are not possible to fix such as wheel is not fitting in the frame or defective structure of the frame etc.
Customer has to just send a photo or video with its order id and copy of invoice to our mail id “support@everbestshop.com“or what’s app at customer care phone number – +91-7011548170